
Drug Rehab for Teens Is Likely Needed If You See These Tell-Tale Signs

If you are a parent, guardian, teacher or other adult responsible for the well-being of a teenager or young adult, you need to know the main signs and symptoms of someone with a substance abuse problem. Professional studies have proven that the best success in dealing with substance abuse is to get the abuser into and through drug rehab as soon as possible.

Drug addiction and dependence create a fairly standard set of indicators, particularly among young adults. When you discover the problem to be drugs or alcohol, you cant waste any time discussing it, arguing or pleading. You have to call a drug rehab counselor and get some professional assistance. Drug rehab may be the only salvation for this youngster.

One of the problems with anyone who is drug-dependent is that they are usually the last ones to recognize their own symptoms of dependence and addiction and need for drug rehab. They often try to pass off their symptoms as something else "its just a cold", "Im getting the sniffles", "I didnt sleep well last night", "I have a headache" and so on. They are minimizing the problem to themselves, and hiding it from you. They wont admit it without your help and wont get handled without a proper drug rehab program.

There are several telltale signs of drug abuse among teens. A parents job is to distinguish between whats normal and what is a red flag that indicates a drug rehab program is probably needed. According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, sudden changes in personality, appearance, school performance, or extracurricular activities may indicate teen drug use. A previously well-behaved and respectful kid might suddenly become an emotionally volatile, hostile, or violent stranger. These are all red flags announcing: "Call a drug rehab counselor right now and let a professional help sort this out."

Teenage addiction drug rehab specialists say that kids who are abusing drugs can withdraw from the family, alienate old friends, drop out of usual activities and neglect their schoolwork. You might see secretive behavior, lying to cover up drug abuse, stealing, ask for money, or selling possessions to support their habit.

Here is a list of tell-tale signs that young people with drug problems might need drug rehab:

*Negative changes in schoolwork, missing school, or declining grades.

*Angry outbursts, mood swings, irritability, manic behavior, or overall attitude change.

*Increased secrecy about possessions or activities; spending a lot of time alone in their room with the door shut.

*Expressing feelings of exhaustion, depression, and hopelessness.

*Deterioration in physical appearance and grooming.

*Sudden change in clothing choices fascination with odd styles that could highlight drug use, wearing sunglasses or long sleeve shirts at inappropriate times.

*Subtle changes in conversations with friends, more secretive, using "coded" language. Or new friends you never heard of before, especially known users or "risk-takers".